Thursday, February 17, 2011

You've Got Mail!

Last week I got a couple of pieces of mail and you know what - it was quite exciting! Some of you have asked if you can send me mail, and you can!

I can receive mail through Dr. Manno's MFI address as follows:

Dr. Emmauel Mareus (HCCC)
c/o Missionary Flights International
Unit 1053, 3170 Airmans Dr.
Ft. Pierce, FL  34946 USA

MFI brings our mail every Thursday by plane to the airport in Cap. To make sure the mail gets to me - write my name somewhere on the envelope.

You can also send packages, however we ask that you send $1.50 or $2/lbs to cover shipping costs to MFI. If you are going to send a package, let me know so that I can give you the details of how to do that.

So... I'm waiting for your letters!

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