- hosted 24 guests
- 2 trips to the beach
- 2 trips to the Citadelle (I hiked it once)
- 6 trips to the airport in Cap
- organized work project for 3 groups
- spent 6 days at home recuperating and fighting off some little bug that made me get way too familiar with my bathroom.
In the next month...
- go to Cap for a night to celebrate one-year wedding anniversary with Cal - dinner, dancing, hotel - oh my!
- go to the DR for a week to relax, regroup, stamp passport, get Cal's dental work done, hang out with good friends.
- host group from home church in Winnipeg!
- get Cal's paperwork done for Canadian visa
- host first time visitors from church in BC!
This past month has been busy and the next one is going to be as well. Please pray for health, strength, wisdom, patience and joy!